
Develop Excellent Customer Service Management Program to Delight Customer

Manila, PH – Every company needs to win, keep and delight customers.

Since the customer is the life blood of the business, it is necessary to take care and give customers the best and satisfactory service.

Customer satisfaction begins with learning and understanding the customer journey.

Learn the processes of customer journey through various stages towards path to purchase.

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Customer and Account Service Management
Seminar, December 2018

How do we keep and delight customers at all times? This is a constant challenge to every company to address and train their workforce at every level of customer engagement.

Learn from Resource Speaker and Expert, Bernard N. San Juan III, General Manager of Truelogic Online Solutions, Inc. as he discusses the customer journey and shares his insights on successful case studies that work in managing and delighting customers. He will present effective strategies on customer and account service management, tips and techniques handling customer objections/complaints, and insights on nurturing customer engagement and relationships.


Customer and Account Service Management
Seminar, December 2018

This seminar program is designed for Sales Managers, Customer Service Representatives and Agents, Customer Care Personnel, Business Development Managers, Fund Raisers, Account Managers, Account Officers, Sales Executive, Sales Representatives, Branch Heads, Business Owners, Key Account Managers, Group Key Account Specialists, National Key Account Managers, Retail Category Buyers, Trade Marketing Team, Merchandising and Promotions Officers, Front Liners and those who are involved in the business of selling products/services and customer relationship management.

Develop an effective customer service management program to delight customers!

Attend Customer and Account Service Management Seminar 2019 on March 29, 2019 at AIM Conference Center, Makati City, PH.

The program is organized by Fiera de Manila, Inc. (

For inquiries, call: +632-896-0639, 896-0637, email:, visit website: