
What should marketers focus on to improve their digital marketing in 2020?

The 15th Digital Marketing in a BLINK Seminar 2020

Manila, PH – The biggest drivers of digital transformation are customer experiences, data analytics, and innovation in mobile.

Marketers are gathering data and closely monitoring technologies to craft programs and campaigns to grow and scale their brands. The prevalence and ubiquity of mobile has enabled more personal interactions and experiences betweenbrands and consumers.

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Digital Experts in BLINK Seminar will present insights from their industry and brand experiences to deepen learnings and shared knowledge.

By attending BLINK, you can keep up with important trends that matter and know exactly how to successfully implement the latest techniques. This knowledge will help you attain the desired ROI in your campaign, creating an ad, or start working on a new platform.


Participants of the 14th Digital Marketing in a BLINK Seminar 2019 held last August 8 – 9, 2019 at AIM Conference Center, Makati City, PH.

The Blink Seminar 2020 will give information and ideas on guiding principles for CMOs and their evolving roles; The New Commerce emerging in the PH landscape; Gen Z and Retail: Bridging the generation gap for brands; Social Media hacks to boost SEO; Opportunities in Mobile: Driving business through apps and mobile web; SEO (Search Engine Optimization) vs. PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising; Boost your open rates through messaging apps.

Participants shared their insights and key takeaways learned in the seminar.

The seminar will also discuss micro-moment goes mainstream to improve CX and boost ROI; why brands are shifting to omni-channel marketing? Integrating videos across the marketing funnel; Popularity of Live Video Streaming; Voice Search as the new weapon of E-Commerce; Creating content that resonates and its KPI; What consumers expect from social media influencers and their ethics?

The seminar is open to all CMOs, Brand Marketers, Business Owners, Category Managers, Advertising Managers, Digital Directors, Digital Agencies, Publishers, Retailers, Media, Telcos, Conten Providers, Bloggers, E-Commerce Entrepreneurs, Data Scientist, Digital Suppliers, Government, Academe, Digital Marketing Service Providers and those involved in digital transformation of companies and businesses.

Don’t miss the latest trends in BLINK!

Attend the 15th Digital Marketing in a BLINK Seminar 2020 on March 10 – 11, 2020 at AIM Conference Center, Makati City, PH.

The program is organized by Fiera de Manila, Inc. (

For inquiries, call: +632-8896-0639, 8896-0637,
visit website: