Every company needs to win customers and delight them.
Since the customer is the life blood of the business, it is necessary to take care and give customers the best and satisfactory service.
Customer satisfaction begins with learning and understanding the customer journey.
Acquiring customer is an expensive program so we must make the best effort to retain them.
How do we keep and delight customers at all times? This is a constant challenge to every company to address and train their workforce at every level of customer engagement.
Learn the processes of customer journey through various stages towards path to purchase.
Know the strategies, approaches, tips and techniques on customer acquisition and retention. Learn how to handle customer objections and complaints.
Get insights on successful case studies that work in managing and delighting customers. Know how to motivate employees to provide excellent service to customers.
Learn how to nurture customer engagement and relationships. Whether your company is into services or manufacturing, big or small, new or existing – the learning in this seminar would be vital to remain competitive.
Learning Objectives
1. Learn and understand the customer journey process.
2. Define and understand internal and external customer.
3. Know the strategies, approaches, and techniques on customer acquisition and retention.
4. Learn to build and maintain strong long-lasting customer relationships.
5. Get insights on successful case studies that work in managing and delighting customers.
6. Know how to motivate employees to give excellent service to customers.
7. Know loyalty and rewards program that keep customer through time.
8. Learn how to handle customer objections and concerns.
9. Know how to nurture customer engagement.
Key Seminar Topics
1. Understanding the Customer Journey Process
2. Identifying Internal and External Customers and their significance
3. Strategies, Approaches, Tips and Techniques on Customer Acquisition and Retention
4. Building and Maintaining strong long-lasting customer relationships
5. Successful Case Studies that work in managing and delighting customers
6. Motivating Employees to do Excellent Service
7. Loyalty and Rewards Program
8. Handling Customer Objections and Concerns
9. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Nurturing Customer Engagement and Relationships
Who Should Attend
Sales Managers, Customer Service Representatives and Agents, Customer Care Personnel, Business Development Managers, Fund Raisers, Account Managers, Account Officers, Sales Executive, Sales Representatives, Branch Heads, Networkers, Business Owners, Key Account Managers, Group Key Account Specialists, National Key Account Managers, Retail Category Buyers, Trade Marketing Team, Merchandising and Promotions Officers, Front Liners and those who are involved in the business of selling products/services and customer relation management.
Registration Fee
PHP 7,999 + VAT, inclusive of meals and kits for 1 day only.
Discount Scheme (Choose 1 discount scheme)
Package of 5 + 1 (send 5 delegates and get additional 1 for free)
20% Discount for Academe/Students/Government/NGOs
5% Discount to Past Delegates of Fiera de Manila, Inc. programs
The Resource Speaker and Expert
Bernard N. San Juan III
General Manager
TrueLogic Online Solutions, Inc.
Bernard has a proven track record in sales, sales management and training, customer and account service management, workforce management, HR, online marketing, e-Commerce, and web development.
In his role as Training Manager at iFloor.com, he trained, on-boarded and coached the fulfillment, customer service, and claims teams which comprise the Customer Experience (CX) Team.
As Director of e-Commerce for 360 Training, Bernard’s role was to make sure the web portal for 360Training created the desired experiences that students expected on the site and learning platforms.
In 2000, he started with the local web-portal, Filonline, to his current position as General Manager of Truelogic Online Solutions.
In over 20 years, he coached dozens of successful sales professionals, trained sales teams, managed customers and serviced accounts, managed the business in the development of hundreds of websites, over a thousand digital marketing projects, managed e-commerce online stores, and grown four start-ups to multi-million dollar-sized companies including iFloor.com 360Training.com, MartinPrint.com.au, and of course, TrueLogic etc.
Register Today!
Call: +632-896-0639, 896-0637
Email: norelyn@fmi.com.ph
Visit Website: www.fmi.com.ph
Reviews – What they say about the program …
1. The training/seminar is a success because not only did I learn but it also made me realize that we should also take care of our customers.
– Charmane Jose, Dragonpay Corporation
2. It was a fruitful morning.
– Kay Subida, Mabuhay Miles Inc.
3. Amazing seminar, more knowledge been gained – recommendable.
– Joan Iballa, Davao Bay Coconut Oil Mills Inc.
4. I was able to acquire new learnings excellent speakers.
– Janet G. Fajardo, Regal Beloit Asia Pte Ltd.
5. Very informative matching timely and real life experiences.
– Jeffrey Pogoy, Amdatex Las Pinas Services Inc.
6. The topics were discussed well.
– Jean Rose Perez, The Laguna Creamery Inc.
7. Bernard is a brilliant speaker, his storytelling on his own experience is actually a great material relevant to the subject.
– Cynthia Cruz, La Filipina Uy Gongco Group of Companies
8. Overall performance of the speaker was very good! He knows very well every topic being discussed.
– Venus Quindoza, Fe del Mundo Medical Center
9. I’ve learned a lot and enjoy the process of learning.
– Joy Marinduque, CVM Pawnshop
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