Customer Service Management Seminar 2016

'How To Delight and Grow Customers'

Date: March 29 - 29, 2025

Customer Service Management

The customer is the life blood of the business – Henry Ford.

Every company wants to win customers and delight them to the max! Since the customer is the life blood of the business, it is necessary to keep and retain them at all cost for repeat business. Customer acquisition is an expensive program for the company, therefore, retaining customer is a must so business continues to flow through time.

How do we keep and delight customers all the time? This is a constant challenge to every company to address and train their workforce at every level of customer engagement.

Customer satisfaction begins with learning and understanding the Customer Journey. Learn the process of how the customer journey through various stages towards path to purchase.

Know the strategies, approaches, tips and techniques on customer acquisition and retention.

Learn how to handle customer objections and complaints.

Get insights on successful case studies that work in managing and delighting customers.

Know how to motivate employees to provide excellent service to customers.

Learn how to nurture customer engagement and relationships. Whether your company is into services or manufacturing, big or small, new or existing – the learning in this seminar would be vital to remain competitive.

Learning Objectives

1. Learn and understand the customer journey process.
2. Define and Understand internal and external customer.
3. Know the strategies, approaches and techniques on customer acquisition and retention.
4. Get insights on successful case studies that work in managing and delighting customers.
5. Know how to motivate employees to give excellent service to customers.
6. Know loyalty and rewards program that keep customer through time.
7. Learn how to handle customer objections and concerns.
8. Know how to nurture customer engagement and relationships.

Key Seminar Topics

1. Understanding The Customer Journey Process
2. Identifying Internal and External Customers and their Significance
3. Strategies, Approaches, Tips and Techniques on Customer Acquisition and Retention
4. Successful Case Studies That Work in Managing and Delighting Customers
5. Motivating Employees to Do Excellent Service
6. Loyalty and Rewards Program
7. Handling Customer Objections and Concerns
8. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Nurturing Customer Engagement and Relationships

Who Should Attend

Sales Managers, Customer Service Representatives and Agents, Customer Care Personnel, Business Development Managers, Product Managers, Brand Managers, Marketing Managers, Fund Raisers, Account Managers, Account Officers, Sales Executives, Sales Representatives, Branch Heads, Front Liners and those who are involved in the business of selling products/ services and customer relation management.

Registration Fee

PHP 6,599 inclusive of VAT, meals and kits for 1 day attendance only

PHP 13,198 inclusive of VAT, meals and kits for 2-Day Package: Salesmanship Training Program & Customer Service Management Seminar

Discount Scheme

Package of 5 + 1 (send 5 delegates and get additional 1 for free)
20% Discount for Academe/Students/Government/NGOs
5% Discount to Past Delegates

The Resource Speaker and Expert

Ricardo ‘Ricky’ de Vera, MBA, CSP, CMP

Certified International Trainor – Singapore and Japan
Lead Facilitator/Coach – ASEAN Center of Excellence

Ricky de Vera is a Certified International Trainor on Salesmanship, Customer Relations Management, Customer Service Management, Leadership and Business Development. He is a Consultant for Retail, Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical, Real Estate, Banking & Finance, Telecommunications, IT, amongst others. He is the Author of ‘Business Psychology In Work Organizations’, a reference guide to employee-employer interaction. He is a Contributing Writer for major newspapers – Philippine Daily Inquirer, Business World, China Business Magazine, and Entrepreneur Magazine.

Ricky holds an MBA degree and a Professor in De La Salle University. He is the first Filipino Trainor authorized by the Australia/New Zealand Marketing & Sales Association to conduct diploma courses and specialized workshops. He got his training from the International Training Institute of Singapore and Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship (AOTS) in Japan. He works with Philippine Retailers Association, Franchise Association of the Philippines, Association of Foreign Trainors in Asia and Pacific, ASEAN Integration Center for Training Excellence and Philippine Marketing Association. He is the Strategic Marketing and Business Consultant of the Department of Trade and Industry and Department of Tourism.

Ricky, with his training and expertise in Behavioural Psychology, presents an unorthodox, dynamic and behavior-driven approaches to Salesmanship and Customer Service Management.