Mastering Creative and Marketing Seminar-Workshop

Date: May 2 - 2, 2024

Creative in Hyper World-Final

‘Creating excellence in today’s hyper-digital world’

There is a lack of belief today in the role that great creative campaigns play in the long-term success of a brand.
CEOs often dismiss creativity as ‘nice to have when the brand is doing well’ but to run the business day-to-day, they believe the need is for ‘hard-hitting sales-driving campaigns’. We need to change this mind-set and build confidence in the power of brilliant creative to drive the business and build the brand. Get the attention of today’s digitally hyper connected consumer with excellent creative. Achieve great creative consistently through empowered marketing people who have the right skills and attitude. Learn to apply a clear and efficient approach to creative development. Build a strong win-win partnership between client and agency.

Learning Objectives

1. Gain confidence and belief in the power of brilliant creative to drive the business and build the brand.
2. Get the right people to work on your creative campaigns and develop their skills and attitude.
3. Learn the principles and the basic approach to consistently getting great creative.
4. Achieve a strong win-win partnership between client and agency.

Key Training Topics

1. Gaining conviction in the power of marketing and creative.
2. Empowering marketing with the right skills and attitude to develop creative.
3. Creating a clear, practical and efficient approach to consistently getting great creative.
4. Learning how to build a strong win-win partnership between client and agency.

Who Should Attend

CMOs, Brand Marketers, Category Managers, Advertising Managers, Marketing Managers, Product Manager, Digital Directors, Agencies, Publishers, Media, Telcos, Content Providers, Bloggers, E-Commerce Entrepreneurs, Startups, Suppliers, Government, Academe, Digital Marketing Service Providers and those involved in marketing and advertising.

Registration Fee

PHP 14,999 for 2 days inclusive of meals and kit

Discount and Payment Scheme

Group Discount – 5+1 (send 5 delegates and get 1 more delegate for free)

The Resource Speaker and Expert

Paddy Rangappa

Brand Traction Pte. Ltd.

Paddy Rangappa is an ex-Regional Vice President with over 25 years’ experience across marketing disciplines in blue-chip FMCG (Procter & Gamble) and retail (McDonald’s) companies in India, Indonesia, Singapore and the Asia Pacific Middle East Africa region.

In these roles, in addition to delivering strong sales and profit growth, Paddy has been actively involved in developing strategy, branding and go-to-market plans at a regional and country level. He has a strong record of enhancing marketing capability and developing people, having led the training function in both P&G and McDonald’s.

He is the author of ‘Been There Bungled That’ (Random House), a regular columnist at The Hindu, a leading Indian newspaper, and an accomplished public speaker.

Paddy brings this wealth of experience to his role as marketing consultant and trainer.