Re-calibrate your strategies for 2021 …

Manila, PH – Business leaders are expected to identify and implement strategies to ensure business recovery and survival amidst this pandemic.

Now is the time to re-calibrate the company’s roadmap and be resilient. Carefully re-examine your strategies now in the ‘Strategic Management in the VUCA World Webinar’ on November 11, 2020, Wednesday, 1:30-4:30PM PST via Zoom.

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We are now eights months in the pandemic and there seems to be a continuing uncertainty looming for 2021 in terms of economic and business recovery.

What lessons can we learn from the crisis experience in 2020 so we can map out strategies that easily adapt to the New Normal realities for next year?
How can the business stay afloat and sustain growth to avoid closure of its operations?

Photo-op during Day 1 of Transformational Leadership in the VUCA World Webinar last Tuesday-Wednesday, September 29-30, 2020, 1:30-4:30PM PST via Zoom. In the photo are: Norelyn T. Babiera, Fiera de Manila, Inc., Dennis Beng Hui, Technolopy Inc., and Michael Victor H. Sibayan, CMC®, MPM®, MVHS Management Consultancy/Six Sigma Black Belt …

This webinar will discuss strategic management in the world of uncertainties – the VUCA world.
This will guide business leaders, owners, entrepreneurs, and senior-level executives in planning and navigating uncertainties using management tools. It is future-proofing company’s strategies and initiatives in core areas which are essential to business success.

This webinar is open to all CEOs, Presidents, Managing Directors, General Managers, Business Owners, Middle to Senior Level Managers, Process Owners/Analysts, Strategic Planners, Corporate Planning Executives, Project Managers, Customer Experience (CX) Officers, Innovation Champions, Team Leaders, IT Managers, Growth Officers, Department Heads, and those involved in continuous improvement and operational excellence programs in their organizations.

Q&A Session with the Resource Speakers and Experts with Host/Moderator, Norelyn T. Babiera on Day 2 of Transformational Leadership in the VUCA World Webinar last Tuesday-Wednesday, September 29-30, 2020, 1:30-4:30PM PST via Zoom …

Attend the ‘Strategic Management in the VUCA World Webinar’ on November 11, 2020, Wednesday, 1:30-4:30PM PST via Zoom.

This webinar is organized by Fiera de Manila, Inc. (

For details, call +632-8896-0639, +63 917-522-7346, email:,
Visit website:

Learn innovative ways to continue doing business and connect with customers during the pandemic …

Manila, PH – As the pandemic continues to disrupt businesses, employees are turning to video conferencing to sustain productivity. They have turned to online tools to stay connected with customers and partners.

Learn step-by-step guide, tips and techniques on how to use Zoom meetings and webinars for your business. Attend the ‘Webinar Production and Management’ on November 06, 2020, Friday, 1:30-4:30PM PST via Zoom.

Learn More:

A photo-op with Six Sigma Experts taken from Day 1 of Six Sigma and Process Excellence in the Age of Crisis Webinar last June 25-26, 2020 …

Are your teams working remotely during this time of the pandemic? Are you connecting with your customers remotely?

Webinars are powerful, cost-effective way for businesses to reach larger audience especially during this pandemic.

While these times are challenging, there are innovative ways to continue doing business and connect with customers and partners remotely.

Photo-op with Resource Speakers and Experts on Day 2 of Event Management Webinar last June 29-30, 2020 held via Zoom …

This webinar is open to all CEOs, President, Managing Directors, General Managers, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Senior Level Executives, CMOs, Brand Marketers, Category Managers, Advertising Managers, Digital Marketers, Business Development Managers, Media Managers, Content Providers, Bloggers, E-Commerce Entrepreneurs, Digital Marketing Service Providers, Office Managers and Staff, Government, Academe, Students, and those who are in need of digital tools to conduct business/meetings remotely.

During the Panel Discussion the Resource Speakers/Experts gladly share their insights and learning. This session was moderated by Norelyn T. Babiera. Sent-in questions by participants were thoroughly discussed …

Attend the ‘Webinar Production and Management‘ on November 06, 2020, Friday, 1:30-4:30PM PST via Zoom.

This webinar is organized by Fiera de Manila, Inc. (

For details, call +632-8896-0639, +63 917-522-7346, email:,
Visit website:

Business Opportunities in Creative, Signs and Print Sectors during the Pandemic

Business Opportunities in Creative, Signs and Print Sectors during the Pandemic

Manila, PH – As an industry, it is important to acknowledge the challenges and identify business opportunities during the pandemic and beyond.

There are always opportunities in crisis. In this webinar,
we will find out how the creative, signs and print businesses thrive in these tough times while showing its resiliency, flexibility, speed and creativity to cope and stay afloat in business.

Owners and leaders in creative, signs and print business will share their market assessment, analysis of opportunities,
and identify growth areas where industry players can focus on
in the next 12 months.


Attend ‘Business Opportunities in Creative, Signs, and Print Industries’ on Wednesday, October 28, 2020, 1:30-4:30PM PST via Zoom, Live in FaceBook!

Learn More:

During the Panel Discussion with Resource Speakers/Experts in ‘Challenges and Opportunities in the Signs and Print Business’, an insightful webinar last July 3, 2020 with Rhuyver Curray of Paptrade Enterprises, Jay Tulio of Outcomm, Inc., Rod Zuniga, Screen Printing Expert and the Hosts/Moderators Norelyn T. Babiera, Vice President of Fiera de Manila, Inc. and Rolly Pagaspas of V81 Radio.

Join and listen to relevant discussions and see where your business can focus its operations while overcoming the challenges of the pandemic.

This webinas is open to Creative, Signs and Print Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Print Shop Owners, Offset Printers, Screen Printers, Print Managers, Service Bureau Managers, Sign makers, Corporate Purchasing Managers, and those involved in creative, signs and print business.

Don’t miss this webinar!

Attend the Business Opportunities in Creative, Signs, and Print Industries on Wednesday, October 28, 2020, 1:30-4:30PM PST via Zoom, Live in FaceBook!

This webinar is organized by Graphic Expo Online (GEO)
and Fiera de Manila, Inc.

For details, call: +632-8896-0639, +63-917-522-7346, email:
Visit websites:,

Agile is the Future of Your Projects and Business. Learn Agile Project Management.

Manila, PH – Projects are part of day-to-day business engagement of companies. Project management is a powerful tool that can deliver many advantages to the business. It brings leadership and direction, and helps deliver project results consistently, efficiently, on time and budget.

How do we manage projects successfully based on requirements of the business?

Managing a project requires a deep level of understanding of project planning, scheduling, reporting, tracking and project implementation.

Expand your knowledge and understanding of traditional and agile project management key concepts and principles in ‘Project Management Tools and Techniques Webinar‘ on Tueday-Wednesday, October 20-21, 2020, 1:30-4:30PM PST via Zoom.

Learn More:

In this photo are: The Resource Speaker and Expert, Michael Victor H. Sibayan, CMC®, MPM®, Managing Consultant at MVHS Management Consultancy and Six Sigma Black Belt and the Host/Moderator, Norelyn T. Babiera, Vice President of Fiera de Manila, Inc. during Day 1 of Project Management Tools & Techniques Webinar last July 30-31, 2020 …

This 2-day webinar program is designed to help participants augment their existing understanding of project management by learning a number of powerful tools and techniques that can be used in managing projects.

Day 2 of Project Management Tools & Techniques Webinar last July 30-31, 2020, Michael Victor H. Sibayan, CMC®, MPM® and
Norelyn T. Babiera are discussing sent-in questions by participants during the Q&A session.

This webinar is open to all middle to senior-level managers, project managers, IT software developers, corporate planners, construction managers, general contractors, architects, engineers, finance managers, risk managers, six sigma/quality practitioners, business development managers, event managers, and those who are involved in business planning and project management assignments.

Attend the ‘Project Management Tools and Techniques Webinar‘ on Tueday-Wednesday, October 20-21, 2020, 1:30-4:30PM PST via Zoom.

This webinar is organized by Fiera de Manila, Inc. (

For details, call +632-8896-0639, +63 917-522-7346, email:,
Visit website:

Social Media for Customer Engagement and Lead Generation in the Time of Pandemic

Manila, PH – Connecting with customers and making the business to stay afloat during this time of pandemic is top priority. A strategic social media plan to generate leads and boost brand awareness is imperative to ensure business sustainability.

How do businesses leverage on social media? What are effective social media tools and techniques they use to be visible amidst the noise?

Attend the ‘Social Media for Lead Generation Webinar’ on Monday, October 26, 2020, 1:30-4:30PM PST via Zoom.

Learn More:

In this photo: The Resource Speakers/Experts: Shayne Garcia-Madamba, Chief Digital Officer at Havas Media Ortega, Janette Toral,
Founder, Digital Filipino and E-Commerce Advocate and Digital Influencer and the Host/Moderator Norelyn T. Babiera, Vice President of Fiera de Manila, Inc.

Social media has transformed today’s marketing with the right use of social media platforms for lead generation.

Marketers utilize social media to engage more customers and get leads for business.

Social media is an excellent channel to grow your brand, connect with your potential customers, facilitate lead generation and brand building as millennials and GenZs are spending the average six (6) hours time everyday in social media.

During the Panel Discussion the Resource Speakers/Experts gladly share their insights and learning. This session was moderated by Norelyn T. Babiera. Sent-in questions by participants were thoroughly discussed …

This webinar will guide marketers on the use of social media primarily for lead generation. It discusses the role of social media within the framework of customer journey, steps to jump start social media campaign for paid campaigns, how to capture leads, content development and marketing, social listening and tools, social media analytics and intelligence, evaluate ROIs and recommendations, and case studies discussion.

This is open to CMOs, Brand Marketers, Category Managers, Advertising Managers, Digital Marketers, Ad Agencies, Publishers, Media, Telcos, Content Providers, Bloggers, E-Commerce Entrepreneurs, Suppliers, Government, Academe, Digital Marketing Service Providers and those involved in digital marketing and advertising campaigns.

Attend the ‘Social Media for Lead Generation Webinar’ on Monday, October 26, 2020, 1:30-4:30PM PST via Zoom.

This webinar is organized by Fiera de Manila, Inc. (

For details, call +632-8896-0639, +63 917-522-7346, email:,
Visit website:

Are You Ready for the Shift to The New Commerce?

Manila, PH – Leading industry Experts and E-Commerce entrepreneurs and players will converge in this webinar. They will present and share their innovative ideas and insights in E-Commerce, industry trends, forecasts and challenges, best practices and successful cases in New Commerce.

The idea and conduct of commerce has changed in the 21st century. Almost anything can be purchased now through the internet with new, emerging distribution channels that spells out the ‘new commerce’ today.

Compelling forces changed how, when and where we shop. Online shopping exceeded in-store sales and E-Commerce experienced the biggest surge in eight years, (Channeladvisor 20/20 E-Commerce Vision).

Learn More:

This webinar is focused on understanding emerging trends in new commerce in today’s digital world. Discussions on tech platforms, data analytics, consumer experiences, creativity and innovation will enable participants to model from case presentations that articulate these shifts of current economic revolution.


Open to all Businesses (Large, SMEs, Micro) on B2B, B2C, C2C, Startups, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, CMOs, Marketers, Payment Solution Providers/Gateway, Fulfillment and Logistics Providers, Content Providers, Digital Marketers, Brand and Category Managers, Digital Commerce Service Providers (web developers/design, hosting, etc.), Publishers, Media, Bloggers, Government, and those involved in digital transformation and future proofing their businesses.

Don’t be left out!

Attend ‘The New Commerce 2020 Webinar’ on September 15-16, 2020, Tuesday-Wednesday, 1:30-4:30PM PST via Zoom.

The program is organized by Entropia CBR and Fiera de Manila, Inc. (

For details, call +632-8896-0639, +63-917-522-7346,
Visit website:

Where is your company now in its Pivot and Transformation Journey?

Manila, PH – Learn transformational leadership to guide businesses in adapting to changes and shifts in the market, come-up with value propositions that result to business sustainability, relevance and growth.

Listen to seasoned business leaders and management Experts in the ‘Transformational Leadership in the VUCA World Webinar’ on Tuesday-Wednesday, September 29-30, 2020, 1:30-4:30PM PST via Zoom.

Learn More:

In a world that is rapidly changing, organizations are finding that they must adapt quickly to meet the needs of their changing environment. Organizations can only remain relevant and achieve long-term success and sustainability by adopting a model of leadership that addresses the needs of their changing environment.

A photo-op with Six Sigma Experts taken from Day 1 of
Six Sigma and Process Excellence in the Age of Crisis Webinar
last June 25-26, 2020 …

This pandemic has shown the need for business organizations to become pro-active, resilient and agile from branding to people policies. What lessons can we learn from this crisis experience so we can easily adapt to the New Normal, stay afloat, and sustain business growth?

To navigate current market shifts and changing customer preferences, businesses should take a look at process improvement, leadership capabilities, management styles, skill set, employee engagement, and focus more on giving value to customers within limited resources.

During Panel Discussion taken from Day 2 of
Six Sigma and Process Excellence in the Age of Crisis Webinar
last June 25-26, 2020 where Experts shared deep insights on improving business processes, continuous improvement and leadership skills …

This webinar is open to all CEOs, Presidents, Managing Directors, General Managers, Business Owners, Middle to Senior Level Managers, Process Owners/Analysts, Strategic Planners, Corporate Planning Executives, Project Managers, Customer Experience (CX) Officers, Innovation Champions, Team Leaders, IT Managers, Growth Officers, Department Heads, and those involved in continuous improvement and operational excellence programs in their organizations.

In this photo is Franco del Rosario, Managing Consultant at
Six Sigma Consulting Manila and Norelyn T. Babiera, Vice President at
Fiera de Manila, Inc. discussing ‘Leadership Skills to Drive Change in the Organization’ on Day 2 of Six Sigma and Process Excellence in the Age of Crisis Webinar last June 25-26, 2020 …

Get insights on how to survive the pandemic and make sure that your business stays afloat.

Attend the ‘Transformational Leadership in the VUCA World Webinar’ on Tuesday-Wednesday, September 29-30, 2020, 1:30-4:30PM PST via Zoom.

This webinar is organized by Fiera de Manila, Inc. (

For details, call +632-8896-0639, +63 917-522-7346, email:,
Visit website:

Content is Power. Content is King.

Manila, PH – Know what makes powerful content and why content marketing is imperative for your business’ success.

Learn effective guidelines and insights on content marketing from industry Experts through case studies discussions.

Attend the ‘Content Marketing That Matters Webinar’ on Thursday, October 01, 2020, 1:30-4:30 PM PST via Zoom.

Learn More:

A strong, powerful piece of content has the ability to make someone stop, review, think, and take your business’ desired action.

At the end of the webinar, participants will know the art of storytelling, effective content marketing strategies and lessons learned from best brands.

A photo taken during the presentation of Eduardo I. Mapa, Jr.,
Country Head/Partner at Entropia CBR, on ‘The Art of Storytelling’
from the last Content Marketing That Matters Webinar on July 14, 2020 …

People and brands are telling stories every day. Brands are in the race daily to capture the attention of its audience and customers.

Get insights on how marketers and brands stand out in the noisy crowd of content. Learn what makes an effective storytelling narrative and content marketing strategy to earn the interest and trust of your customers and turn them into brand advocates.

A photo taken during the presentation of Shayne Garcia-Madamba,
Chief Digital Officer at Havas Media Ortega, on ‘Effective Content Marketing Strategies’ from the last Content Marketing That Matters Webinar on July 14, 2020 …

This webinar is open to all CMOs, Brand Marketers, Business Owners, Category Managers, Advertising Managers, Digital Directors, Digital Agencies, Publishers, Retailers, Media, Telcos, Content Creators, Bloggers, E-Commerce Entrepreneurs, Government, Academe, Digital Marketing Service Providers and those involved in digital marketing, business and entrepreneurship.

During the Panel Discussion moderated by the Vice President of
Fiera de Manila, Inc., Norelyn T. Babiera
from the last Content Marketing That Matters Webinar on July 14, 2020 …

Create a winning content strategy for your brands and business!

Attend the ‘Content Marketing That Matters Webinar’ on Thursday, October 01, 2020, 1:30-4:30 PM PST via Zoom.

This webinar is organized by Fiera de Manila, Inc. (

For details, call +632-8896-0639, +63 917-522-7346,
Visit website:

Design and Transform Events into Remarkable Experiences!

Manila, PH – Learn the fundamentals, principles, executions and industry best practices of event management. This webinar will give you the opportunity to start develop your skills and work on exciting event projects where you work with a team to pull the creative vision together.

Be a Professional Event Manager, Organizer, and Producer in the ‘Event Management Webinar’ on Wednesday and Thursday, September 23-24, 2020, 1:30-4:30 PM PST via Zoom.

Learn More:

Planning successful events require skill sets which many people do not possess. Event managers are creative people who like to run the show using their seamless multi-tasking skills and personable nature.

Learn from Event Experts who will coach and mentor professionals in phases of event management, event marketing, promotion and sponsorship, latest event technologies, developing event creative concepts and themes, event styling and merchandising, event financial management, food and beverage requirements of events.


A photo of the Resource Speakers and Experts on Day 1 of
Event Management Webinar last June 29-30, 2020 held via Zoom …

Event Managers are responsible for the design, organization and coordination of events that requires someone in complete control to make the event a success.

Participants will learn the science and art of producing, organizing, managing, designing and industry best practices of Event Management.

Day 2 of Event Management Webinar last June 29-30, 2020 via Zoom
during Panel Discussion where sent-in questions by participants are answered and discussed by Experts. An enriching, full of knowledge-sharing moments …

This webinar is open to all Event Professionals/Managers, Corporate Communication Managers, Brand Managers, PR Professionals, Trade Show/Exhibition, Organizers/Managers, MICE Planners, Event Project Managers, Marketing/Advertising Managers/Professionals, HR Managers, Business Owners/Entrepreneurs, Academe, Students and those involved in event planning/organizing/managing; or, those shifting careers to event management.

Photo-op with Resource Speakers and Experts on Day 2 of
Event Management Webinar last June 29-30, 2020 via Zoom …

Be an Event Expert and transform events into remarkable experiences!

Attend the ‘Event Management Webinar’ on Wednesday and Thursday, September 23-24, 2020, 1:30-4:30 PM PST via Zoom.

Organized by Fiera de Manila, Inc. ( and
ISST (International School for Sustainable Tourism).

For details, call +632-8896-0639, +63-917-522-7346,
Visit website:

Celebrate Filipino Creativity in Graphic Design on Tee Shirts …

Celebrate Filipino Creativity in Graphic Design on Tee Shirts ...

Manila, PH – Tee shirts are a fashion staple, an art form, advertising tool, and one of the most iconic forms of self-expression. Its origin and rich history allowed it to reach maximum popularity and it is now being used as a symbol and medium of expression especially the young market.

As one of the highlights in the 25th Graphic Expo 2020, the ‘T-Shirt Design Contest 2020’ aims to utilize t-shirts to celebrate and showcase Filipino creativity in graphic design and the use of modern print and imaging technologies.

The theme of this year’s contest is: ‘Let’s Fight Climate Change’.

Learn More:

T-Shirt Design Contest Winners were awarded during the Opening Ceremonies.
All T-Shirt design entries were exhibited for 3 days at the Expo.

Submitted entries should be actual designed T-shirt, either hand-painted, airbrush, tie-dye, silk screen printed, heat press, inkjet transfer, sublimation, vinyl transfer or direct-to-garment printing.

Deadline for Submission of Entries is: Friday, May 15, 2020.

See Contest Mechanics here:

The 24th Graphic Expo T-shirt Design Contest 2019 Judging Night held May 17, 2019
at Conti’s Restaurant Greenbelt 2, Makati City, PH.

Submitted T-shirt designs will be displayed at the 25th Graphic Expo 2020 Design Gallery.

Join and get a chance to win prizes in the 25th Graphic ExpoT-Shirt Design Contest 2020
on June 11-13, 2020 at SMX Convention Center, Mall of Asia, Pasay City, PH.


The 25th Graphic Expo 2020 is organized by Fiera de Manila, Inc. (

For inquiries, call: +632-8896-0639, 8896-0637
visit websites:,