Remarkable Customer Experience (CX) is Key to Business Success …

Manila, PH – Today’s customer is highly informed and demanding, and have higher expectations to brands and businesses. Companies strive to build robust customer experience (CX) strategy to differentiate themselves from their competitors.

Meet and exceed the expectations of your customers, and in turn, increase customer loyalty and satisfaction in ‘The 6th Customer Experience Management (CXM) Seminar PH 2020’ on March 20, 2020 at AIM Conference Center, Makati City, PH.

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This seminar presents CX thought leadership, best practices, and successful case studies to expand and improve existing CX strategy. Get cutting edge insights on how innovative CX programs, encompass overall customer interactions using omni-channel approaches to deliver new opportunities and increased revenues.

Class Photo of ‘The 5th Customer Experience (CX) PH Seminar 2019’ held August 30, 2019 at AIM Conference Center, Makati City, PH …

Remarkable customer experience (CX) fuels business growth, and not many companies are seeing CX as a critical competitive advantage.

Recent developments in technology are empowering consumers like never before. This digital revolution is expanding consumer choice and giving users access to information around the world, anytime, anywhere. Customers can now make educated choices between competing brands, as information is literally at their fingertips.

Participants during discussion in ‘The 5th Customer Experience (CX) PH Seminar 2019’ held August 30, 2019
at AIM Conference Center, Makati City, PH …

According to Forrester Research, the next breed of CX innovators are using smart insights derived from deep customer understanding to discover completely new business opportunities, expand customer relationships into new verticals, and explosively grow revenues.

Maria Luz ‘Yayu’ Javier, President and COO, Avanza, Inc. discusses integrating data into CX Measurement …

According to Gartner, Inc., more than 50% of organizations will redirect their investments towards customer experience innovation now and in the immediate future. Forward-thinking companies engaged in innovation as the benchmark of CX leadership.

Customer-centricity, disruptive systems, lean thinking are foundations for business growth.

Denise Haak, Founder and Chief Experience Officer at Quiddity Usability Labs presents Pillars of Customer Experience (CX) Program …

This seminar is open to all Managing Directors, General Managers, Business Owners, CMOs, Entrepreneurs, Innovators, Business Development Directors/Managers, Strategic Planners, Corporate Planning Executives, Brand Marketers, Product Managers, Category Managers, Advertising Managers, Sales Managers, CRM Directors/Managers, Digital Directors, Digital Marketing Service Providers, Agencies, Publishers, Media, E-Commerce Entrepreneurs, Startups, Account Managers, Branch Managers, Customer Service Representatives and Agents, Customer Care Personnel, Account Managers/Officers, Government, Academe, and those who are involve in customer experience management and responsible for driving innovation, strategy, marketing, business development in the organization.

Deliver exceptional customer experience (CX)! Join us in ‘The 6th Customer Experience Management (CXM) Seminar PH 2020’ on March 20, 2020 at AIM Conference Center, Makati City, PH!

This program is organized by Fiera de Manila, Inc. (

For inquiries, call: +632-8896-0639, 8896-0637, email:, visit website:

What should marketers focus on to improve their digital marketing in 2020?

The 15th Digital Marketing in a BLINK Seminar 2020

Manila, PH – The biggest drivers of digital transformation are customer experiences, data analytics, and innovation in mobile.

Marketers are gathering data and closely monitoring technologies to craft programs and campaigns to grow and scale their brands. The prevalence and ubiquity of mobile has enabled more personal interactions and experiences betweenbrands and consumers.

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Digital Experts in BLINK Seminar will present insights from their industry and brand experiences to deepen learnings and shared knowledge.

By attending BLINK, you can keep up with important trends that matter and know exactly how to successfully implement the latest techniques. This knowledge will help you attain the desired ROI in your campaign, creating an ad, or start working on a new platform.


Participants of the 14th Digital Marketing in a BLINK Seminar 2019 held last August 8 – 9, 2019 at AIM Conference Center, Makati City, PH.

The Blink Seminar 2020 will give information and ideas on guiding principles for CMOs and their evolving roles; The New Commerce emerging in the PH landscape; Gen Z and Retail: Bridging the generation gap for brands; Social Media hacks to boost SEO; Opportunities in Mobile: Driving business through apps and mobile web; SEO (Search Engine Optimization) vs. PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising; Boost your open rates through messaging apps.

Participants shared their insights and key takeaways learned in the seminar.

The seminar will also discuss micro-moment goes mainstream to improve CX and boost ROI; why brands are shifting to omni-channel marketing? Integrating videos across the marketing funnel; Popularity of Live Video Streaming; Voice Search as the new weapon of E-Commerce; Creating content that resonates and its KPI; What consumers expect from social media influencers and their ethics?

The seminar is open to all CMOs, Brand Marketers, Business Owners, Category Managers, Advertising Managers, Digital Directors, Digital Agencies, Publishers, Retailers, Media, Telcos, Conten Providers, Bloggers, E-Commerce Entrepreneurs, Data Scientist, Digital Suppliers, Government, Academe, Digital Marketing Service Providers and those involved in digital transformation of companies and businesses.

Don’t miss the latest trends in BLINK!

Attend the 15th Digital Marketing in a BLINK Seminar 2020 on March 10 – 11, 2020 at AIM Conference Center, Makati City, PH.

The program is organized by Fiera de Manila, Inc. (

For inquiries, call: +632-8896-0639, 8896-0637,
visit website:

Are you ready for the shift into THE NEW COMMERCE?

Manila, PH – Leading industry Experts and E-Commerce entrepreneurs and players will converge in this event. They will present and share their innovative ideas and insights in E-Commerce, industry trends, forecasts and challenges, best practices and successful cases in New Commerce.

The idea and conduct of commerce has changed in the 21st century. Almost anything can be purchased through the internet with new, emerging distribution channels that spells out the ‘new commerce’ today.

Compelling forces changed how, when and where we shop. Online shopping exceeded in-store sales and E-Commerce experienced the biggest surge in eight years, (Channeladvisor 20/20 E-Commerce Vision).

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This conference is focused on understanding emerging trends in new commerce in today’s digital world. Discussions on tech platforms, data analytics, consumer experiences, creativity and innovation will enable participants to model from case presentations that articulate these shifts of current economic revolution.


This gathering of companies and individuals, of players and influencers, is a step forward in The New Commerce.

Open to all Businesses (Large, SMEs, Micro) on B2B, B2C, C2C, Startups, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, CMOs, Marketers, Payment Solution Providers/Gateway, Fulfillment and Logistics Providers, Content Providers, Digital Marketers, Brand and Category Managers, Digital Commerce Service Providers (web developers/design, hosting, etc.), Publishers, Media, Bloggers, Government, and those involved in digital transformation and future proofing their businesses.

Don’t be left out!

Attend NWC 2020: The New Commerce, Branding and Business in the New Age of Marketing on March 06, 2020 at Fairmont Hotel, Makati City, PH.

The program is organized by Entropia CBR and Fiera de Manila, Inc. (

For inquiries, call: +632-8896-0639, 8896-0637,
visit website:

The Art of Effective Salesmanship to Grow Your Business

Manila, PH – Selling can be challenging. It is a process with no shortcuts but improving your salesmanship skills can take your business to the next level.

The sales profession moves faster than ever today. In the blink of an eye, new competitors emerge, products similar to yours are released, and before you know it, it’s a race to the bottom.

You can be a prolific and effective salesman by learning and understanding customers – their needs, motivations, interests,
thinking, behavior, and overall lifestyle..

Learn More:

Class Photo, Salesmanship Seminar last October 2019
at AIM Conference Center, Makati City, PH.

Know the selling process, strategies, creative approaches, tips and techniques. Learn what and how to prepare for sales pitches, deck presentations, and audience projections.

Get to know how to do realistic sales planning, budgeting and forecasting as part of company’s strategic planning and revenue targets.

Bernard N. San Juan III, General Manager of TrueLogic Online Solutions, Inc.

The Resource Speaker and Expert, Bernard N. San Juan III, coached dozens of successful professionals, trained sales teams, managed the business in the development of hundreds of websites, over a thousand digital marketing projects, managed e-commerce online stores, incorporated four companies and grown three start-ups to multi-million dollar-sized companies –,,, LWCI/

Participants during discussion, Salesmanship Seminar 2019

This seminar is for Sales Managers, Customer Service Representatives and Agents, Customer Care Personnel, Business Development Managers,Product Managers, Brand Managers, Marketing Managers, Fund Raisers, Account Managers, Account Officers, Sales Executives,Sales Representatives, Front Liners and those who are involved in the business of selling/marketing products/services and servicing account of customers.

Improve your salesmanship skills for business growth. Win and keep customers by nurturing customer engagement and relationships.

Attend the ‘Salesmanship Seminar 2020’ on March 04, 2020 at AIM Conference Center, Makati City, PH.

The program is organized by Fiera de Manila, Inc. (

For inquiries, call: +632-8896-0639, 8896-0637,
email:, visit website:

Engage Customers and Generate Leads Using Social Media …

Manila, PH – Social media has transformed today’s marketing with the right use of social media platforms for lead generation.

Marketers utilize social media to engage more customers and get leads for business.

Social media is an excellent channel to grow your brand, connect with your potential customers, facilitate lead generation and brand building as millennials and GenZs are spending the average six (6) hours time everyday in social media.

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Growing and scaling your brand is easier now yet trickier than ever. There is a need to study the dynamics of these tools/ platforms, how to use them properly for customer engagement and lead generation.

Attend the ‘Social Media for Lead Generation Seminar-Workshop 2020’ on February 18, 2020 at AIM Conference Center, Makati City, PH.

Learn from the Expert, Weslee Trout, Digital Strategy – OxytocinGroup
Consultant for Digital, Innovation, Experience, Delivery

Get insights, techniques, and tips that will change the way you generate leads for your businesses.

The seminar-workshop will guide marketers on the use of social media primarily for lead generation. It discusses the role of social media within the framework of customer journey, steps to jump start social media campaign for paid campaigns, how to capture lead, content development and marketing, social listening and tools, social media analytics and intelligence, evaluate ROIs, and case studies discussions.

Participants share their insights and takeaways in the
Social Media for Lead Generation Seminar-Workshop 2019
last September 19, 2019 at the AIM Conference Center Makati City, PH.

Know how to use storytelling in creating content, stunning visuals and videos in social posts and conversations …

Jason Cruz, Executive Strategy Director of Wizard Manila

Join the ‘Social Media for Lead Generation Seminar-Workshop 2020’ today!

The program is organized by Fiera de Manila, Inc. (

For inquiries, call: +632-8896-0639, 8896-0637,
email:, visit website:

WOW factor makes remarkable events!

The 13th Event Management Certification Course 2019

Manila, PH – Learn the fundamentals, principles, executions and industry best practices of event management. Get up-close, personal and work with leading industry Event Experts.

Be a certified Event Manager, Organizer, Producer and Professional in the 13th Event Management Certification Course 2019 on November 20-22, 2019 at AIM Conference Center, Makati City, PH.


The 13th Event Management Certification Course 2019

Panel Discussion on ‘Event Marketing, Communication, Promotion, and Sponsorships’
with Dinah Remolacio, Music and Sports Executive, OPM, Kate Pineda, Supervising Trade & Industry Development Specialist, CITEM-DTI,
Alice Conway, CSEP, CHEP, Director of Event Management, Stratford University, USA and Norelyn T. Babiera, Vice President, Fiera de Manila, Inc.

Learn and work with Event Experts who will coach and mentor professionals in phases of event management, event marketing, promotion and sponsorship, latest event technologies, developing event creative concepts and themes, event styling and merchandising, event financial management, food and beverage requirements of events.

Learn More: 13th Event Management Certification Course 2019

Former Department of Tourism Secretary of the Philippines,
Dr. Mina T. Gabor, Chairman and President of ISST (International School of Sustainable Tourism) shares
how to define, design and deliver the WOW factor in events …

Participants will learn the science in producing, organizing, managing, designing and industry best practices of Event Management.

The 13th Event Management Certification Course 2019

Sharing insights and experiences in managing events …

This training course is open to all Event Professionals/Managers, Corporate Communication Managers, Brand Managers, PR Professionals, Trade Show/Exhibition, Organizers/Managers, MICE Planners, Event Project Managers, Marketing/Advertising Managers/Professionals, HR Managers, Business Owners/Entrepreneurs, Academe, Students and those involved in event planning/organizing/managing; or, those shifting careers to event management.

The 13th Event Management Certification Course 2019

Participants are having fun in creating a successful event projects …

Be a part of this intensive certificate course!

Organized by ISST (International School for Sustainable Tourism) and Fiera de Manila, Inc. (

For details, call +632-8896-0639, 8896-0637, email:, Visit website:

Make your brand iconic: Build a strong brand equity …

Brand Equity Management in a Capsule Seminar 2019

MANILA, PH – Brands are the company’s most valuable assets. As it enters the market, it is critical to develop, strengthen, defend and manage its brand equity through time.

Know how brand equity management and get strategies for maximizing your brand management program in the ‘Brand Equity Management Seminar 2019’ on November 19, 2019 at AIM Conference Center, Makati City, PH.


This seminar is focused on ‘brand equity management’ – its immersion, conceptual framework, applications and wrap-arounds.

Brand equity is one of the hottest topics in marketing management today. Recent marketing studies point to the fact that there is a need to grow, enhance and protect brand equity if the business has to be sustainable.

Brand equity is a set of tangible and intangible assets that identifies and differentiates the brand value from competition. Marketers need to understand how brand equity works in their brand building program and strategies.

Learn more:

Learn from Prof. Jose G. Miranda, Consultant and Former Associate Professor, Asian Institute of Management (AIM), as he shares his expertise in managing brand equity.

Prof. Miranda taught in top universities, such as, Ateneo de Manila University, De La Salle University, University of Sto. Tomas and Manhattan College, New York. He is a proven preacher and practitioner of Marketing Management, CRM, Niche Marketing, Brand Equity Management and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Recently, he conducted Management Development Program at Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) and SIDC, the biggest agri-based cooperative.

He managed brands, such as, Bear Brand, San Miguel Beer, Singer, GE, Johnson & Johnson, Nestle, and Westinghouse.

This seminar is open to all Chief Marketing Officers, Brand Marketers, Category Managers, Marketing Consultants, Solopreneurs, Network Marketers, Advertising Managers, Digital Marketers, Bloggers, E-Commerce Entrepreneurs, Start-ups, Marketing Service Providers, Owners of SMEs, Academe, those involved in marketing and who want to establish relationships and network with fellow marketers.

Attend the Brand Equity Management Seminar on November 19, 2019 at AIM Conference Center, Makati City, PH!

This program is organized by Fiera de Manila, Inc. (

For Inquiries: Call: +632-8896-0639, 8896-0637, Email:, Visit Website:

Harness your skills and productivity in creating effective graphic design and videos …

MANILA, PH – Learn the fundamentals and creatively break the rules upon mastery in the Graphics and Publishing Seminar 2019 on November 07 – 08, 2019 at AIM Conference Center, Makati City, PH.


The Graphics and Publishing Seminar aims to improve your skills and productivity in creating design and marketing materials for print, web and multimedia projects.

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Know essential tips and tricks for mastering Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019

A detailed walk through of Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019 using the same software used to edit ‘Marvel’s Deadpool’ in 2016. Attendees who are beginners, new users, switchers and seasoned veterans, will benefit through a detailed interface tour, various functions of different panels, techniques to speed-up and optimize editing, working with transitions, effects, round-tripping to Adobe After Effects, color grading, and finally, finishing with output in
various formats for the web, TV, and film.

Video Editing Made Easy with Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019.
Learn from Dennis Lucero, Adobe Certified Expert (ACE), Apple Certified Pro, and
Apple Mentor Certified Trainer.

Capture consumers’ attention using world-class marketing collaterals ….

Participants are getting insights, tips and techniques from the Expert on how to create and
design world-class marketing collaterals …

See how big brands have stayed popular and how they influenced consumers through the power of media, pop-culture, and corporate branding. Get a quick study on the basics of flyer, brochure and collateral design — from media types/sizes, preparation of materials, text for layout, proper use of grids, white space, and typefaces/fonts.

Antonio ‘Tony’ Bucu is an Instructor at the Philippine Center for Creative Imaging and
Adobe Certified Expert (ACE). He has worked as a consultant/designer for major brands and clients.
He is also experimental photographer in his past time.

Attend the Graphics and Publishing Seminar 2019 on November 07 – 08, 2019
at AIM Conference Center, Makati City, PH!

This program is organized by Fiera de Manila, Inc. (

For Inquiries: Call: +632-896-0639, 896-0637, Email:,
Visit website:

Media Outlook 2020 unfolds disruptions in Traditional and Digital Media …

Manila, PH – What will be the media landscape in the year 2020? Get fresh data insights as leading industry Experts unleash media consumption forecast and analysis in an annual forum. Media Outlook points where opportunities for growth are occurring, discusses trends that companies should be mindful of, and which markets are emerging in the coming year.

Find out in the 6th Media Outlook 2020 on December 02, 2019 at Fairmont Hotel, Makati City, PH.


Panel of Experts composed of Gladys Basinillo, Chief Growth Officer and Head of Agency,
Starcomvest Media Group, Santi Elizalde, Vice President for Sales, Manila Broadcasting Company,
Lucien Dy Tioco, Executive Vice President – Philstar Media Group, Jay Bautista, Managing Director,
Kantar Media Philipines; ANC’s Lexi Schulze, host and moderator of the media briefing.

The Panel will be composed of Media Experts, Media Analysts, Media Planners and Buyers, Top Advertisers, Brand Builders (Agencies) and Industry Leaders who will draw insights from data, analysis, and emerging trends.

They will provide information and answer questions to be addressed in the briefing, such as, the state of transformation of Traditional Media (Radio, TV and Print), why billboard advertising and Digital Out-of-Home are resonating to Millennials and Gen Zs markets, and how digital fuels Filipino consumers’ lifestyle, behavior and habits; it will discuss the digital disruption opportunities, innovation, automation to create remarkable customer experiences (CX).

Learn More:

Jay Bautista, Kantar Media Philippines’ Managing Director, presents how traditional media
continues to be relevant and dominant consumer touch point …

Starcomvest Media Group’s Chief Growth Officer and Head of Agency, Gladys Basinillo
presents forecast on Out-of-Home and Digital Ou-of-Home (DOOH) advertising …

The Media Outlook 2020 is an important annual forum that presents more than just the
usual economic forecasts we get from different media groups. Very few fora touch
on the topic of marketing communications in a holistic approach – from analyzing current landscape, trends
and forecasts, to its implications for the media industry in the coming year, 2020.

Media Outlook 2019 …

The Media Briefing is open to all CMOs, Managing Directors, Advertising/Marketing Managers,
Brand Managers, Category Managers, Product Managers, Corporate Communication Managers,
Media Planner/Managers, Publishers, Advertising Suppliers, Entrepreneurs, Academics,
Students, Government, and those involved in advertising and marketing.

It’s time for a fresh outlook for 2020!

Attend the 6th Media Outlook 2020 on December 02, 2019 at Fairmont Hotel, Makati City, PH.

The program is organized by Fiera de Manila, Inc. (

For inquiries, call: +632-896-0639, 896-0637, email:,
visit website:

How Smart Leaders Translate Strategy into Execution …

The 10th Strategic Management System through Process Management and Balanced Scorecard Model (BSC) Seminar – Workshop 2019

Manila, PH – Strategic planning is a tool that is useful for guiding day-to-day decisions and for evaluating progress. It allows organizations to be proactive rather than reactive. It sets up a sense of direction and increases operational efficiency.

Lead your company to strategic transformation through process management, performance management, customer-centricity, and sustained culture of operational excellence.

Attend the 10th Strategic Management System through Process Management and Balanced Scorecard Model (BSC) Seminar – Workshop 2019′ on November 14 – 15, 2019 at Makati Sports Club, Makati City, PH.

Participants during discussion in ‘The 9th Strategic
Management System through Process Management
and Balanced Scorecard Model (BSC) Seminar – Workshop 2018’
last November 14 – 15, 2018 held at Makati Sports Club, Makati City, PH…

This seminar – workshop will discuss the relevance of strategy execution and performance management in a time of increasing market shifts, business and economic uncertainties and changes.

Participants will learn and acquire skills and knowledge needed to implement strategic planning, process management, and use Balanced Scorecard Model to improve overall management performance.

Dr. Anna Bella Siriban-Manalang, Ph.D,
Management Consultant during
discussion on ‘Creating a Link Between Strategy, Process
and Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Model’…

She has conducted various training and consulting on strategic management, quality/systems improvement/standardization, Balanced Scorecard, performance measurement and monitoring, and organizational development for various corporate clients.

Bryan Gobaco, Director and Senior Consulting Partner
of Technopoly, Inc. discussing ‘Managing and Improving Processes’…

Bryan conducted various trainings and consultancies on Systems Modeling and Optimization, Six Sigma, Quality Systems and Design of Experiments, Market and Industry Study/Research and Process Improvement and Documentation for corporate clients.

Michael Victor H. Sibayan, Managing Consultant,
MVHS Management Consultancy, Six Sigma Black Belt
discussing ‘Leadership for Strategy Execution’…

Mike is a Consultant and Trainer who carries more than twenty (20) years of experience with a record of accomplishments in the area of Operations Management, Business Process Improvement, Project and Program Management, Process Documentation, Methods Analysis, Change Management, Training & Development, Risk Management, Business Continuity Planning, Crisis Management, Information Security and Business Analysis.

Mike has exposure and skills applied in various industries, such as: Telecommunications, Financial Services/Insurance, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Hospitality, Cruise and Academe.

Insightful discussion on ‘Developing a Culture of Operational
Excellence’ by Mike Sibayan in ‘The 9th Strategic Management
System through Process Management and Balanced Scorecard
Model (BSC) Seminar – Workshop 2018’ last November 14 – 15, 2018
held at Makati Sports Club, Makati City, PH…

With the global economy moving faster than ever, there is no guarantee that being well-positioned today, will mean a company is prepared to succeed in the future.

Regardless of whether a company’s strategy changes gradually or swiftly, the important point is that the task of crafting strategy is not a onetime event but is always a work in progress. Winning companies create value by defining, developing and deploying a set of strategic capabilities that provide a unique competitive advantage.

Participants during discussion in ‘The 9th Strategic
Management System through Process Management
and Balanced Scorecard Model (BSC) Seminar – Workshop 2018’
last November 14 – 15, 2018 held at Makati Sports Club, Makati City, PH…

How well a company performs is directly attributable to the strength of its strategy and proficiency to which the strategy is executed.

Engaging participants during Balanced Scorecard (BSC)
workshop conducted by Dr. Anna Bella Siriban-Manalang, Ph.D., in
‘The 9th Strategic Management System through Process Management
and Balanced Scorecard Model (BSC) Seminar – Workshop 2018’
last November 14 – 15, 2018 held at Makati Sports Club, Makati City, PH…

This seminar – workshop is designed for CEOs, Presidents, Managing Directors, General Managers, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Senior Level Managers, Process Owners/Analysts, Lean and Six Sigma Practitioners, Strategic Planners, Corporate Planning Executives, HR Director/Manager, Growth Officer, Customer Experience (CX) Officer, Innovation Champion, Team Leaders, and those who are involved in continuous improvement and business excellence programs in their organizations.

The program is organized by Fiera de Manila, Inc. (

For inquiries, call: +632-896-0639, 896-0637,
email:, visit website: